How Modi and Biden turbocharged India-US ties

Modi and Biden


Hey there, kiddo! Today, I want to tell you a super exciting story about two very important people—Prime Minister Modi from India and President Biden from the United States. They are like superheroes who came together and made India and the US become even better friends. It's like they turned on a turbo button to make their friendship super fast and strong!

Who is Modi and Biden?

So, let me start by telling you who these awesome superheroes are. Narendra Modi, also known as Modi, is the Prime Minister of India. He's like the leader of a really big team of people who work together to make India a happy and successful place.

Joe Biden, or President Biden, is the leader of the United States. He's in charge of a lot of important things happening in America. Just like Modi, he has a big team of people who help him make important decisions.

What is India-US Ties?

India-US ties are like a special bond between two countries. It's like when you have a best friend who lives far away, but you still love and care about each other a lot. India and the US have been friends for a long time, but Modi and Biden made their friendship even stronger.

Why Turbocharged?

Imagine you have a toy car, and it can move really fast, but then you find a magic button that makes it go even faster! That's what Modi and Biden did. They found this special turbo button for India-US ties, and when they pressed it, amazing things started happening between the two countries.

Getting to Know Each Other

Before friends become best friends, they need to get to know each other better. That's exactly what Modi and Biden did.

The First Meeting

Just like when you make a new friend in school, Modi and Biden met each other for the first time. They talked about many things and realized they had a lot in common. They both love their countries and want to make them better places for everyone.

Biden's Love for Indian Food

You know how you have a favorite food that you could eat every day? Well, President Biden loves Indian food! He likes the flavors, the spices, and the way it makes him feel happy. Modi and

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